At 10:53 AM 8/4/01 +0800, you wrote:
>Dear all,
>I'm looking for a 'simple' way to attach a laser diode *chip* directly to a
>substrate (just R&D work, not for production :-) that would allow proper
>cooling, so that the LD can be operated. Is it possible directly on silicon?
>Any help will be appreciated!
>Note that I don't want to attach the LD just to be able to take SEM pictures
>(this I know how to do :-), I really want the thing to work (for the lead
>wire I'm using wire bonding).
>Thanks again,
Hello. We can attach bare die to a variety of substrate materials
including silicon, ceramic and laminate. Depending on the die and
substrate metallurgies, we have several methods of accomplishing this:
thermocompression gold bonding, tin-lead solder balls, gold-tin eutectic
bonding and conductive adhesive. Please contact me if we can be of
Robert Dean
Research Associate IV
Center for Advanced Vehicle Electronics
Auburn University
200 Broun Hall
Auburn, AL 36849
Voice: 334-844-1838
Fax: 334-844-1898