I do not know about out in NH, but there are quite a number of service
providers for the Thermal oxide including Process Specialties, Seaway
Semiconductor, SemiDep (AZ), and others here in California.
For the PE and LP Si02 and Nitride the first two above and also
Strataglass can provide some or all these services.
Prices and turnaround times vary for same service between these
providers as well as time to get quote ( which in it self can take an
hour to a few days)
I can list phone numbers and contacts via email if you need them.
ALso, if you need the Silicon Wafers to put the films on, I can provide
those in CZ or FZ prime/test and other, along with the service for the
thin films as one package.
Liz Shelley wrote:
> Hello
> I am looking for a service provider to deposit LPCVD or PECVD SiO2 and
> LPCVD Nitride. Also thermally grown SiO2 (Burnt H2 Process .
> Thank you in advance for your help,
> Liz
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Ken Smith
Kmbh Associates
4968 Charter Road
Rocklin, CA 95765 USA
510-714-5055 Efax- 510 217 4421 or 561 658 6136
High Purity Float Zone and Specialty CZ Silicon for Power, IR and
Mirror Optics, Optoelectronics, MEMS, SOI, and other Semiconductor
applications. Service in SOI, Polishing SSP and DSP.