The 1994 MUMPs User Meeting
The ARPA-supported Multi-User MEMS Processes (MUMPs) has been in existence for
well over a year now and has continued to grow rapidly. Since the first run we
have processed more than 130 designs submitted from over 50 different
university groups, companies and government agencies. With over two years
remaining in this program, now is an excellent time to meet. The purpose of the
MUMPs User Meeting is to provide you with an opportunity to meet other users,
showcase your work, learn more about the process and discuss MUMPs issues.
You may note that the agenda (below) contains two poster sessions. Please
consider bringing a poster on any of your MUMPs related work. The meeting
should be an informal and relaxed atmosphere for presenting your work and
meeting fellow MUMPs users.
When: Friday, October 21
Where: O'Hare Hilton
Chicago, Illinois
Cost: Free (breakfast and lunch included)
Accommodations: O'Hare Hilton
government rates available (reference MCNC)
call 312-686-8000 for reservations.
Transportation: None necessary, you'll be walking distance
from the airport.
Registration: Call David Koester at 919-248-1493 or email at
MUMPs User Meeting
Chicago, Ill
October 21, 1994
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Introductory Statements
9:15 Design Rule Update (D. Koester, MCNC)
9:45 User Presentations/Posters (I)
Kris Pister, UCLA
Poster Session
11:00 Break
11:15 Panel Discussion: Parametric Test Structures
for MEMS Infrastructure.
Steve Senturia, MIT
Janet Marshall, NIST
Shuvo Roy, CWRU
12:30 Lunch
1:30 User Discussion (no MCNC staff in room)
Election of Suggestion Committee
2:30 User Presentations/Posters (II)
Tom Bifano, Boston Univ.
John Comtois, Air Force Inst. Tech.
Poster Session
3:45 Break
4:00 MEMS Element Library (R. Mahadevan, MCNC)
5:00 Adjourn