Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am a student at the Vienna University of Technology.
Currently, I write my dissertation at the Institute of
Micro Technique and Precision Engineering of TU Vienna. The
subject of my dissertation is “microgrippers”. I have to
make literature research on this topic for my dissertation.
There is a great interest on this topic in the institute.
To find out the current state of the art it would be a
great help for us if you could send us any available
information and publications related to microgrippers. What
is of interest to us are: general characteristics,
principles of operation, information about controlling
system and integration software, characteristics of the
objects the gripper is designed to handle and prices.
I would be grateful if you could provide me with any
information. My address is:
Mag. Ouchkalov Roman
Institute of Micro Technique and Precision Engineering
(IMFT, E358)
TU Wien
Floragasse 7
Thank you very much in advance!
With kind regards,
Mag. Roman Ouchkalov