Was the undercut more than the etch depth? If so, the problem is probably due
to poor adhesion of the etch mask.
Though I havn't tried etching patterns in quartz, I have been etching Pyrex in
BOE. I could not get adequite adhesion of photoresist to the Pyrex, so I
first put down 1200 angstroms of chrome. After developing and hardbaking the
resist, I etch the chrome, then etch the Pyrex in BOE.
>>> "trammi" 11/10/01 02:04PM >>>
Dear all,
I'm Ramakrishna working quartz micro machining project. I observed
Undercuts, after etching in BHF at 80C temp, which are quite large(around
300-350 um). Does anyone knows how to reduce these undercuts. i'm using fused
quartz substrate.
Thanks in advance.
IITMadras, Chennai. (INDIA)
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