From checking google [laser ablation mems], I came up with the Short
Pulse Laser Ablation Technologies Laboratories (SPLAT) at UIUC. Below are
a couple of theiur publications. This should help, I think.
Li, C. and M. A. Shannon, "A Simplified Cavity Analysis for Estimating
Energy Coupling during Laser Ablation and Drilling of Solids -
Experiment," Applied Surface Science, 150, 211-226, 1999.
Shannon, M. A., "A Simplified Cavity Analysis for Estimating Energy
Coupling During Laser Ablation and Drilling of Solids - Theory," Applied
Surface Science, 127-9, 218-225, 1998.
Jesse Fowler
UCLA/MAE Dept., 420 Westwood Plaza, Room 18-121, ENGR IV
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1597 | (310)825-3977
"Rule #6: There is no rule #6" -- Monty Python
"ARTICLE SIX: THIS ARTICLE IS ABOLISHED" -- Constitution of Afghanistan
On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Lior Grossman wrote:
> Hi,
> I heard about the use of Laser Ablation for Microengineering.
> I would like to structure a material with Laser ablation method (after it
> was spinned on a Si wafer)
> and than to fill it with metal (by PVD, Electroplating, etc.).
> Do you know what is the material that I should use structuring?
> Do you know the resolution of the features that I can achieve with Laser
> Ablation?
> My Best Regards,
> Lior Grossman
> B.G. Technical Support Ltd
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