Dear MEMS experts,
We are looking to make wet-ecthing of a SiO2 sacrificial layer under a
freestanding layer.
The problem is stiction.
I know that we have to use SCO2 in order to improve the reproductibility
of the process but what can we do in order to obtain any layers without
sticting only using usual techniques?
After etching, we wash the sample in water and in propanol solution.
Our wafer is in Silicon.
Thanks for information
Dr. Paolo Bondavalli
R&D Engineer
LABCOM - Laboratoire Interconnexions Optiques et MEMS
Domaine de Corbeville,
Route Departementale 128
F91404 ORSAY
Tel : 01 69 33 08 63
Fax : 01 69 33 08 62
Email : [email protected]
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are my own and may
not represent those of my employer.