Re: Metal sticking well to silicon and silicon nitride
Mac McReynolds
Gold will stick well to silicon if there is no oxide present. An HF dip
immediately preceeding the metallization is usually sufficient, although a
pre-dep sputter etch is a good idea if you can sputter the metal (depends
on device surface state constraints). To get good adhesion on nitride, I
would recommend a thin chrome or titanium adhesion layer. Titanium is nice
because it's biologically inert and etches easily in very dilute HF
From "David A. Koester"[email protected] Wed Jan 03 14:53:16 1996
To: [email protected]
Subject: MUMPs11 Announcement
From: "David A. Koester" [email protected]>
Date: Wed Jan 03 14:53:16 1996
Status: O
Content-Length: 920
Lines: 21
The design deadline for the 11th ARPA-supported Multi-User MEMS Processes
(MUMPs) run is scheduled for January 15, 1996.
MUMPs is available to all domestic (USA and Canada) industry, academic and
government parties. Participants may purchase a 1 cm x 1 cm die location for
$850 with approximately 15 unreleased die delivered. Layout service and die
releasing are available at an additional cost. Design rules and process
specifications are available from MCNC. Please send email to [email protected]
asking for the MUMPs design rules. Please include your snailmail address, phone
and fax numbers.
Please note, if you already have a design rule document, be sure it is revision
3 (10/94).
For more information or to reserve a die location, send email to Dave Koester
or call 919-248-1493.
More information on MUMPs, including the schedule for upcoming runs, is
available at the following web site: