Re: Metal sticking well to silicon and silicon nitride
Bahram Ghodsian
> Gold will stick well to silicon if there is no oxide present. An HF dip
> immediately preceeding the metallization is usually sufficient, although a
> pre-dep sputter etch is a good idea if you can sputter the metal (depends
> on device surface state constraints). To get good adhesion on nitride, I
> would recommend a thin chrome or titanium adhesion layer. Titanium is nice
> because it's biologically inert and etches easily in very dilute HF
I don't believe titanium to be an appropriate choice of adhesion
layer for gold deposition. We have tried and it didn't work for
us. Even a simple gold wire doesn't stick to a surface with
titanium on it. I am not sure if there are any especial
circumstances where gold sticks well to titanium.
Bahram Ghodsian
School of Engineering Science voice: 604-294 1985
Simon Fraser University fax: 604-291 4951
Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, Canada [email protected]