On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 06:01:07PM +0100, Fahad Lodhi wrote:
>does any body have an idea how can i display the graphics
>on windows pc while making a telnet remote login to the Unix Network or
>solaris ntwork.
You'll have to find an X Window System server for your Windows
machine. There are several available; I remember MicroImage and
Hummingbird as two vendors, but a Google search will doubtless be more
useful than my vague recollection.
It's also worth looking at VNC, a free software program that allows
exporting the entire desktop (either the X or Windows desktop) to
another machine. Its home page is at http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/ .
A.M. Kuchling [email protected]
Technical Staff, MEMS Exchange Tel.: (703) 262-5368 x5374