I want to deposit and pattern a thin layer of tin (~1um thick) on an
unpatterned layer of copper oxide that is attached to thermal oxide on a
silicon wafer with an adhesion layer of titanium. I plan to deposit the
titanium and copper layers in our E-beam deposition system without breaking
the vacuum, and then oxidize the thin copper layer in a high humidity
chamber at ~90C for several hours. I would then deposit the tin layer in
the E-beam system. I have reservations about the adhesion between the
copper oxide and the tin. If anyone has any comments or suggestions, I
would like to hear them. Thank you.
Robert Dean
Research Associate IV
Center for Advanced Vehicle Electronics
Auburn University
200 Broun Hall
Auburn, AL 36849
Voice: 334-844-1838
Fax: 334-844-1898
Email: [email protected]