Hi All
We would like to make microchannels using SU-8 for both the channel structures
(down to 10 microns) and the bonding. We will use either two glass wafers or a
pyrex wafer and a silicon wafer. Adhesion does not seem to be a problem. Can
you recommend a good procedure for bonding the two wafers, while maintaining
the channel structures?
We are aware of two options:
1) make and develop structures on one wafer, coat a second wafer with SU-8,
softbake and clamp (pressed by fingers) the wafers together at 75C, cool
slowly, expose to UV to crosslink, post-exposure baking
2) coat one wafer with SU-8, softbake and clamp to another wafer with
pre-drilled holes at 75C to bond, expose to UV, post-exposure baking, develop
through drilled holes
Any help will be appreciated,
Mikkel Hansen
Mikkel Fougt Hansen, Ph.D.
MIC - Microelectronics Centre
DTU, Oersteds Plads
Building 345E
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Ph: (+45) 4525 6338
Fax: (+45) 4588 7762
E-mail [email protected]