Hi Smitha,
You may find that reading the proceedings of MEMS 2002 will help a whole
lot, since you already have a handle on the field. This will have the best
work of the best institutions. You can get it off of IEEEXplore, if your
school subscribes.
Jesse Fowler
UCLA/MAE Dept., 420 Westwood Plaza, Room 37-129, ENGR IV
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1597 | (310)825-3977
"Battery is safe if not provoked." -- _Batteries in a Portable World_
Version 3.1
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------ END GEEK CODE BLOCK ------
On Sat, 1 Jun 2002, Smitha Mathews wrote:
> Hi all,
> My name is Smitha and I had been working in the MEMS field for about a year.
> I'm now considering my options of going back to school for a graduate degree
> in a field related to MEMS. I did my undergraduate degree at New Jersey
> Institute of Technology majoring in Applied Physics with special emphasis on
> Microelectronics. I did some work on optical mirrors during my undergraduate
> program. Could you please direct me to schools/professors that do MEMS work
> where I could apply for admissions to a grad program.
> Thanks,
> Smitha Mathews.
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