We can offer you LPCVD of low stress nitride (LSN), Stoichiometric nitride,
HTO, LTO, PSG, Poly, and doped Poly on 8", 6", and 4" - this can give you a
good start for Bulk Micromaching (LSN) and some surface micromachining
applications. We do not do added fab work beyond these MEMS coatings on 8"
currently, however there are other semi style fabs that can do the added post
processing. We also offer PECVD (Nitride, OxyNitride, Oxide) 4", 6". Contact,
Prox & Back-side alignment lithography on 4" & 6", Deep RIE (Bosch & Cryo) on
4" and 6", Precision Bulk Wet Micromaching on 4" and 6", Patterned
Metallizaion (Sputtering, Evap, Solder) 4" and 6". Thermal Ox & Anneal(4",
6"). Epi Membranes (4", 6"). Similar to Carsten 80% of our business is on 4".
We have 6 years experience in precision micromachining and are ISO-9001/9002
certified. Our company has recently restructured and will be focusing heavily
on the micromachining market in the coming years.
David Sherrer
Haleos, Inc.
540-552-4610 x 3616
-----Original Message-----
From: Cain, Mike [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 10:35 AM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: RE: [mems-talk] 8" wafer foundries
It depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Scion is a recent JDSU
acquisition that claim to use 8 inch wafers to produce waveguides.
I work for the JDSU MEMS Business Unit (formerly Cronos Integrated
Microsystems) which I consider a pure MEMS foundry because we manufacture a
wide array of MEMS (Bulk, Surface, LIGA). We started as a 4 inch foundry
and made an attempt at a 6 inch fab and then the market nose-dived. We
ended up shelving the 6 inch fab (it's still empty, full of equipment) and
currently use our 4 inch fab.
The reason I say all this is because it is EXTREMELY difficult to make it as
a 6 inch fab purely in MEMS. I dare say it is impossible to make it as an 8
inch MEMS foundry and I would be hesitant to believe anyone who claims to be
That is not to say that there aren't companies producing MEMS on 8 inch
wafers. It's just that these are very specific processes for very specific
parts. Claiming to be able to have volume production on 8 inch wafer is
easy. Delivering cost efficient volume production on 8 inch wafers will be
a challenge. The infrastructure required to maintain an 8 inch wafer fab is
expensive. We couldn't keep a 6 inch fab running and we had lots of demand
(at the time).
If you're interested in using a 6 inch wafer, let me know and I'll put you
in contact with our sales guy.
Mike Cain
Photolithography Engineering
JDS Uniphase
MEMS Business Unit
3026 Cornwallis Road
P.O. Box 13942
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
[email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: Carsten Giebeler [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 7:07 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [mems-talk] 8" wafer foundries
Dear Colleagues,
I am looking for MEMS foundries that are able to process 8" silicon wafers,
medium to large volumes.
Do you have any names/foundries that would do such things?
Dr. Carsten Giebeler
MicroEmissive Display LTD
The Scottish Microelectronics Centre
Edinburgh EH9 3JF
Scotland UK
Tel: 0044 (0)131 6507754
Email: [email protected]
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