Dear Rakesh
we can define nanoscale features with a minimum line width of 70nm using our
Raith direct write system. If you wish to send a sketch showing precise
geometries and list materials specifications (substrate, adhesion, electrode
material, thickness) we can give you some definitive feedback on how we can
David Barrow
Professor David Barrow
Laboratory for Applied Microsystems & NanoFAB
Cardiff School of Engineering
Cardiff University
Queen's Buildings
1-5 The Parade
PO Box 689
Cardiff CF24 3TF
United Kingdom
Tel +44(0)29 2087 5921 (Office)
Tel +44(0)29 2087 4716 (Laboratory)
Mob +44(0)77 8526 4780
E-m [email protected]
>>> [email protected] 08/09/02 16:09 PM >>>
Dear MEMS friends,
I tried to find out suppliers of nanoelctrodes on web,
& i also contact to some suppliers, but they can
fabricate only the microelectrodes (gap between
electrodes >5 micron). I want nanoelectrodes (gap
between nanoelectrodes should <200 nm). We have
facility for fabrication of microelectrodes. If
anybody can solve my problem then contact me on
address given below:
Rakesh Dabas
Microelectronics Instrumentation Division (MID)
Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO)
Sector 30-C, Chandigarh-160030
E-Mail: [email protected][email protected]
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