Try a silver-loaded epoxy. Two 10g vials cost 40 quid in the UK from RS
( It's a two-part epoxy that cures in 24h at room
temperature. It's a bit of a pain to work with, but it sticks well to
glass, metal, and plastic and has a nearly negligible resistivity (0.001
ohm cm). Chris
On Monday, August 19, 2002, at 08:11 pm, sanjay chakane wrote:
> Dear all
> If anybody knows conducting epoxy to join conducting
> materials which can be used at room temperature
> Sanjay
Christopher F. Blanford
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QR, UK
Phone: (44)/(0)-1865-282603; Fax: (44)/(0)-1865-272690
PGP keyID: 8D830BC9