It seems Wenlin is talking about stiction occuring after fabrication, where
van der waals and surface tension are out of the picture. Do you have any
knowledge of causes of stiction after a working device is activated several
John Fende
> -----Original Message-----
> From: J []
> Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 5:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: [mems-talk] Re: stiction of contacting surfaces
> Dear Wenlin,
> mainly the stiction comes from dry process. water capillary force may draw
> beam towards substrate and other forces like van der waals or surface
> tension developed.
> the solutions might be heat up when you dry it, or use solution such as
> IPA to lower the surface tension, XeF2 or CO2 for supercritical
> sublimation, or simply modify your layout structures for anti stiction.
> good luck.
> Inst. of MEMS, NTHU
> Message: 8
> To:
> From:
> Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 09:58:02 -0400
> Subject: [mems-talk] stiction of contacting surfaces
> Reply-To:
> Hello:
> I'm working on electrostatic curved beams. It has been observed that
> after certain cycles of operation, stiction of the beam to substrate
> occurs. I'm wondering if there are researches done on the mechanism of the
> stiction and how it can be avoided. Any information will be appreciated.
> Best regard
> Wenlin Jin
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