I've not experience with this configuration. However I 'd like to prepare
such cantilever with a piezoelectric layer and electrodes to measure the
d31. According to me, you should have a look on refs // E Cattan et al,
Sensors and Actuators 74 (1999) 60 and // B Jaber et al, Sensors and
Actuators A 63 (1997) 91, were a measurment of e31 with a cantilever is
Best regards,
Vincent Mortet
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On
Behalf Of Priyanka Aggarwal
Sent: donderdag 24 oktober 2002 19:12
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [mems-talk] Piezoelectricity Measurement
I am also working on the same lines. I was wondering where should I have the
metal contacts,I want to have them on the fixed end of the cantilever , but
I am not sure how to make metal contacts till that surface. CAn you suggest
something.I am attching a document to make it clearer.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vincent Mortet"
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 2:59 AM
Subject: RE: [mems-talk] Piezoelectricity Measurement
> Hello,
> 1/To measure the reverse piezoelectric coeffience d33 of "a layer" you
> to make a sandwich of it, between two elctectods on a thick substrate
> you can apply a AC voltage (frequency f0) to the layer and you measure the
> displasment of the top surface with a calibrated AFM or interferometer.
> the AFM method, you have to use the A-B signal from the photodetector with
> the frequency f0, ie filtered with an lock-in amplifier.
> 2/It exists a methode to measure the direct piezoelectric coefficient e31
> on which you collect the charges created by the piezo on the electrode
> during the vibration on a cantilever covered with the piezoelectric
> material.
> Here are some refs to help you on points 1/ A-L Kholin et al. Rev Sci
> Instrum Vol 67 No 5 May 1996 1935
> M-A Dubois et al, Appl Phys Lett, Vol 89, No 11 (2001) 6389
> C-M Lueng et al J Appl Phys, Vol 88, No 9 (2000) 5360
> J-A Christman et al App Phys Lett, Vol73, No 26 (1998) 3851
> 2/ E Cattan et al, Sensors and Actuators 74 (1999) 60
> B Jaber et al, Sensors and Actuators A 63 (1997) 91
> J-F Shepard Jr et al, Sensors and Actuators A 71 (1998) 133
> Best regards,
> Vincent Mortet
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On
> Behalf Of Xiaoqin Huang
> Sent: woensdag 23 oktober 2002 19:56
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: [mems-talk] Piezoelectricity Measurement
> Hi all,
> I am planning to measure the piezoelectricity of ZnO, but I just know a
> bit about this kind of measurement. If you are familiar with this
> measurement, please give me some suggestions. Thank you very much.
> Jenny X. Huang
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