RE: Attaching Word Docs. was Re: [mems-talk] Piezoelectricity Measurement
David Nemeth
And if you must include a picture, JPEG or GIF both work well.
David Nemeth
Senior Process Engineer
Sophia Wireless, Inc.
14225-C Sullyfield Circle
Chantilly, VA
Ph: (703) 961-9573 x206
Fax:(703) 961-9576
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On
Behalf Of Michael Lake
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 7:32 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Attaching Word Docs. was Re: [mems-talk] Piezoelectricity
Priyanka Aggarwal wrote:
> I am also working on the same lines. I was wondering where should I have
> metal contacts,I want to have them on the fixed end of the cantilever ,
> I am not sure how to make metal contacts till that surface. CAn you
> something.I am attching a document to make it clearer.
It is generally considered bad form to attach word processing documents
to mailing lists.
1. Plain text emails are small so a few thousand of them going out takes
little bandwidth. If someone
attaches a document that means a lot more load for the server to send
out a thousand
word documents.
2. I don't use MS Word so the attachment is useless to me.
3. Attachments can carry virusses for Microsoft systems.
Consider making a simple ASCII diagram instead.
I dont want to sound too critical, just letting you know about
Best wishes,
Mike Lake
Uni of Technol., Sydney
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