How to remove PDMS sticiing to the Si mold etched by DRIE?
Christopher Blanford
Dear Bo
We sonicate in acetone for about 15min, followed by piranha, followed
by HF. That seems to do the trick on the Si masters.
On Wednesday, November 20, 2002, at 08:51 PM,
[email protected] wrote:
> I got a problem when peel off PDMS off the Si mold made by
> DRIE since I
> did not treat the mold before pour PDMS on. After that, I tried to use
> HF to
> remove PDMS so that I can use the mold again. But it takes very long
> and the
> cleaning is not complete. Can anybody give some suggestions how to
> totally
> remove the PDMS from the Si mold? Any input is highly appreciated.
Christopher F. Blanford
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QR, UK
Phone: (44)/(0)-1865-282603; Fax: (44)/(0)-1865-272690
PGP keyID: 8D830BC9