Deal MEMS reserachers:
I would like to get a stress free, unwarped diaphragm on the silicon wafer.
Our diaphragm structure is made by SiO2/SiN bi-layer. Four side of our diaphragm
are removed by etching process and only remained four corner portions.
To avoid thermal conduction loss from the diaphragm on which thermopile was
The 3rd layer on the SiN is needed ? what material ?
Can anybody give some suggestions how to avoid the diaphragm warping?
Any input is highly appreciated.
〒601-8510 2, Higasimachi,Kissyo-in,
Minami-ku, 520-2342, Kyoto, Japan
New Business promotion Center
R&D Dept. MEMS Team
Yutaka Yamagishi
FAX :+81-75-321-5937
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