> . . . Has anyone bridged-the-gap
> and found a way of transferring and converting
> 3D models from CAD package to animation package? . . .
Hmmm. Even if you had the 3D model, wouldn't it be an insane amount of work
to take an essentially static 3D model and tell the animation program how to
deform it to the resonant shape? Perhaps an FEM package would be easier.
Many FEM packages (Ansys and CosmosWorks to name a couple) will accept a 3D
model and will create animations of modal shapes.
Bill Eaton, Ph.D.
Materials & Analysis Manager
NP Photonics
5706 Corsa Avenue, Suite 100
Westlake Village, CA 91362
Voice: (818) 991-7044 x211
eFax: (503) 214-5559
mailto://[email protected]