I got swamped with email from people who wanted copies of my responses, so
I decided to post them here. Thanks for everyone's participation!
([email protected] (Cabel, Debby))
Debby Cabel (and others) wrote:
The CRC handbook of metal etchants is one of the the most comprehensive
references for etchants. It is available from CRC Press cleveland Ohio.
The contact details and the price (inJan 97) are hereunder:
"CRC Handbook of Metal etchants"
The above title is available at $300.00 US plus $35.15 for
shipping and handling via Federal Express (daytime number is
necessary) or by airmail, the shipping cost would be $45.25.
I listed her name because she works for CRC. Others pointed out that this
book covers more than just metals. It includes some semiconductor
information as well.
The rest are from a variety of authors:
Try Manos and Flamm, Plasma etching, an introduction, academic press
For a matrix of the etch rates of 16 materials in 28 etches
and how the etches work, see
Williams and Muller, "Etch Rates for Micromachining Processing,"
JMEMS, vol. 5, no. 4, Dec. 1996, pp. 256-269.
This also has extensive references.
For a much larger list of etchants, see
Vossen and Kern, "Thin Film Processes,"
Academic Press, NY, 1978, Chapter V-1.
There is an old book which has an appendix of wet chemical etches. I
think it is called Thin Film Processes. Dry etches are discussed in
most common semiconductor processing books (Sze or Murie and
Brody(spelling?)) however usually only generally since recipies don't
translate very well from one machine to another. There are only aa
few which seem to be widely used CF4, CHF3, SF6 etc. Other more
esoteric processes are reported in JVST B. Hope this helps.
Thanks again to everyone who replied.
Justin D. Mansell | "If your opponent strikes with fire,
Ginzton Laboratory | counter with water."
Stanford, CA 94305 | "To injure an opponent is to injure
tel: 415-725-2266 | yourself."
fax: 415-723-2666 | -Morihei Ueshiba