Hello Xiaotong,
Could you be more specific on how you detected thermally-induced stress has
a negative impact on your die electrical performance? Did you see
crack/delamination on the die?
The above-mentioned stress can be controlled by focusing on various factors:
CTE mismatch between your die and your die holder, die size, curing
temperature profile and select an epoxy that has lower Young's modulus. The
latter can, however, cause you some trouble in in-coming process associating
with high temperature.
Hope this will answer your question. Update me with your new results. Good
luck, Xiaotong.
Toan Kh. Ly
Packaging Design Eng.
Module Development & Packaging
Nortel Networks
Ph: (613) 768-2825
Fax: (613) 763-8085
Message: 10
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 11:08:37 +0800
From: =?gb2312?B?uN8gz/7Nrw==?=
Subject: [mems-talk] How to minimize the inner stress of adhesive?
To: [email protected]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=gb2312; format=flowed
Dear All,
I am using a type of epoxy adhesive to adhere my chip to the holder.
after the adhesive is solidified, there are a lot of internal stress which
influences the performance of the device badly.
I wonder who can tell me how to minimize this negative effect,
selecting a
higher capable adhesive, or using some aftertreatments during and after the
Thank you!
Xiaotong Gao
ÓëÁª»úµÄÅóÓѽøÐн»Á÷£¬ÇëʹÓà MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com/cn
Message: 11
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 10:14:24 +0900
From: "S.O. Ryu"
Subject: [mems-talk] What is the etch rate of SU-8 in O2 plasma?
Message-ID: <000501c2e446$e433d140$7f20fe81@soryu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ks_c_5601-1987"
Dear all,
Does anybody know what the etch rate of SU-8 in O2 plasma is?
I have patterned 4 micro-m SU-8 film and plan to etch it in O2 plasma. I
wonder how much the etch rate will be. Is it possible to etch SU-8 in pure
O2 plasma or do I need O2/CF4 mixture gas? I do not need fast etch rate (
may be 2~3 micro-m/hour) Thanks in advance.
MEMS-talk mailing list
[email protected]
End of MEMS-talk Digest, Vol 5, Issue 6