Many announcements are now available by World Wide Web in addition to ftp For
World Wide Web users, the URL is "".
MEMS and MUMPS Short Course
A Case Western Reserve University - MCNC short course
4-6 Dec. 95, MCNC, Research Triangle Park
This short course provides an overview of MEMS technology with an emphasis on
how to make use of the multi-user MEMS processes (MUMPs) program at MCNC which
provides low-cost, easy access to MEMS technology for all domestic
organizations (academic, industrial and government). The short course has been
developed for engineers and scientists from all disciplines who are interested
in gaining an understanding of the design, fabrication and characterization of
sensors, actuators, and microsystems. For more information, please see
FTP /mems/Announcements/MUMPS-intro.txt
in the MEMS archive ("").
AVS Micromachining Workshop
27-28 Sept. 95, Anaheim Mariott Hotel, Anaheim, Calif.The local Southern
California Chapter of the American Vacuum Society is sponsoring a second
Micromachining Workshop. The program is largely invitational and focusses on
experimental methods, technical details, and a candid discussion of future
directions and current problems. For more information, please see
FTP /mems/Announcements/AVS-workshop.txt
in the MEMS archive ("").
SMAWG Meeting
11 Sept. 95, Caltech, Pasadena, Calif.
The next meeting of the Sensors, Microstructures, and Actuators Working Group
(SMAWG) will be held on 11 Sept. 95 at the California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, Calif. The topic for this meeting will be micropropulsion. For more
information, please see:
FTP /mems/mems_associations/LA-SMAWG/sep11.txt
in the MEMS Archive ("").