I was wondering if anyone might be able to help ...
I would like some information regarding the flammability of EDP - in
particular its flash point. We use an EDP recipe, similar to the Reisman
Type F solution, for micromachining of silicon substrates. ie.
approximately 3 litres ethylenediamine, 1 litre water, 1 kg catechol and a
few grammes of pyrazine. Has anyone measured the flash point of a similar
mixture or is able to give a predictive figure from the constituent
chemicals (ethylenediamine has a flash point 24 degrees C).
Thanks in advance for any help,
Martin Geear
Nortel Optoelectronics
London Road, Harlow
Essex, CM17 9NA, UK
Phone: +44 1279 403677
FAX: +44 1279 402765
e-mail: [email protected]