Re: 5. High Q resonator (hui li), Tuesday, April 08, 2003 7:49 AM
> One of the hot topics in RFMEMS is high frquency high Q rsonator. It seems
> that a high Q is of critical importance for MEMS resonators.
> However, i did not see any literature that specifies why a high Q is so
> important. Could anyone tell me why we need a such high Q?
High Q is important for all resonators used for frequency control, not only
RFMEMS. For a tutorial on the subject (with notes and references below the
slides), see Chapters 3 and 4 at
especially slides 76 to 78, and the section on noise in Chapter 4.
High Q is necessary (but not sufficient) for high stability. Phase noise
close to the carrier, for example, varies as f^2/Q^2, so, the lower the Q,
the higher the noise. For a quartz resonator, Qf = constant (the higher the
f, the lower the Q), so that phase noise close to the carrier varies as
Lots of additional information can be found at the IEEE Frequency Control
website,, especially in the review papers, tutorials
and Digital Archives. The Archives contain 100K pages of full-text papers
and ten books, many of which discuss Q and noise. (You have to be an IEEE
UFFC-S member to access some of the info.)
John R. Vig, Ph.D.
Ft. Monmouth, NJ 07703-5602, USA
[email protected]