Dear Dr. Shekhar Bhansali,
I have several papers on modeling and Non-linear FEM of SMA.
My SMA-CAD system can analize two dimensional distribution of stress, strain and
transformation for the shape memory effect and pseudo-plastic deformation.
If you are interested in these articles, please let me know your address and
Best regards,
Koji Ikuta
At 5:38 PM 97.7.28, Shekhar Bhansali wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> I'm looking for references on modelling pseudo-plastic deformation of near
> equi-atomic TiNi SMA thin film.
> Any feedback and comments on the feasibilitiy of the exercise and
> suggestions are welcome.
> Shekhar Bhansali
Koji Ikuta
[email protected]
(Biomedical Micro Mechatronics Lab.)
TEL: +81 52 789-5024
FAX: +81 52 789-5027
Department of Micro System Engineering
School of Engineering
Nagoya University
Furocho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-01, JAPAN