Hello Dlee,
Something you may not have considered is the temperature in the LPCVD
process. I believe it's about 600C for amorphous silicon, and when we
considered a similar process a few years ago, we had to use fused quartz
wafers. This is because the typical "high temperature glasses" (borofloat,
pyrex) were only rated to 400C. It may be that you've found a good high
temp glass, so I just wanted to make sure you were aware of this
Jesse Fowler
UCLA/MAE Dept., 420 Westwood Plaza, Room 37-129, ENGR IV
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1597 | (310)825-3977
"Observations of nature, no matter how seemingly arcane, are like
peeling off one more layer from the great onion of knowledge"
-- Don Petit, ISS science officer
On Tue, 15 Apr 2003, Dlee Li wrote:
> Hi, friends
> I plan to deposit LPCVD amorphous silicon on glass wafer: corning 0211 and
> schott borofloat glass to make mask to isotropically etch 30um deep channle
> on glass wafer.I have the following problem to ask
> 1. it is necessary to clean glass wafer before put wafer into furnace? if
> necessary, which kind of clean process: prinha or RCA?
> 2. Except isotropical etching, i donot want any overetching. Also i need
> nice etching for glass fusin or anodic bonding later on. which is typical
> thickness for LPCVD amorphous silicon mask for glass etching that i
> mentioned above?
> thanks
> Dlee
> Mechanical Engineering Department
> The University of Texas at Austin
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